mala market as a non-profit

As part of our 501c3 status, mala market pledges to dedicate its efforts to enhancing our local economy by providing financial aid to our local businesses. Our efforts as a non-profit will be geared towards supporting local businesses in Houston that have a business model rooted in community. In addition, a portion of donations received will go towards hosting community events, local pop-up opportunities, and educational workshops in the field of sustainable and alternative lifestyles. We believe in contributing to the greater effort of making Houston a collaborative and sustainable community.

A very important layer backed by the non-profit is that mala market prioritizes being able to provide an affordable space for local small business owners to elevate their brand and reach their next business goals. Furthermore, we aim to provide the community with solutions to always shop local. When you shop at mala market, you are not only supporting the makers in shop, you are also contributing to the social and economic health of our community. It’s a large step towards our goals, but with you as our community, we can do it!

We are looking forward to more development under our non-profit, such as our Youth Outreach Program, Community Gatherings, and more! Stay tuned with us online and through social media to find out more information about how we continue to grow the foundation of our non-profit here at mala market. There are many ways to get involved and help support our local makers!

Part of our mission at mala market is to initiate conversations about sustainable solutions surrounding the issue of consumerism. The three main ways we create intentional consumer decisions are:

  • education through practice - by shopping local and small batch, you are practicing more sustainable and conscious consumer patterns. mala market aims to educate the community on the significance of shopping local by hosting regular talks and discussion by experts in the field of environmental sustainability.

  • small business support - we create a collective space that remains affordable and accessible for the small business owners that decide to join the family. small business owners can use the facilities as a place to launch into their next business goals. mala market offers the security of a storefront so small businesses don’t have to take on financial and physical responsibilities that come with owning a brick and mortar.

  • interactive community events - mala market plans to fill the calendar year with interactive events for the community to find out more about their local makers and more ways they can practice supporting local in their every day lives.

By shopping with intention and purpose, we can reduce the “out-of-sight-out-of-mind” mentality that surrounds our society. When shopping small batch and handmade, we help reduce the negative impact our consumerism has on our environment.

all donations to mala market are tax-deductible.